Rachel Hodgens

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It’s time to re-member
the wisdom of the earth,
the rhythm of the moon,
and voice of your womb.


Hey beautiful heart,

I’m Rachel.

I’m a Feminine Wisdom & Cyclical Living Coach.

I support women just like you to unravel old dry and brittle threads and re-weave a life of their own creation.

I teach a grounded feminine approach.

I weave a delicious mix of womb wisdom, earth connection and soul expansion that includes ancestral healing, cyclical living, menstrual cycle awareness and a feminine orientation to life upon this earth.

We go deep, and we follow your pace as it unfolds.

I am an avid reader (and talker), amateur garden witch, podcast host and creator of the Cosmic Weavings membership.

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Cosmic Weavings

your monthly map & compass to the cosmic and seasonal energies moving within & around you.

— Full / New moon tools
— Astrological energy & guidance
— Seasonal workbooks for the Wheel of the Year
— Rituals, practices and guided meditations
— Monthly soul expansion live classes
— Access to growing video library
— And so much more inside!

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